A good marketer needs to be creative because it is this creativity that takes your marketing tactics to a whole new different level. The old marketing strategies have already been played out and are not that effective now. So, it is required to adopt new tactics for real growth of business.
Here we are going to elaborate seven such marketing tactics:
1. Reverse the path
The usual path for a coming visitor is to first visit the Homepage, then the Product, view the cart and then finally checkout to buy the product.
But, what if some steps are switched around? By making people invest in your product before the actual purchase, the sale is more likely to get increased. This can be achieved, for instance, by giving an initial view of the product in case of a tool. This can readily increase the sign ups as people usually think that they have come this far, so they might as well complete the process.
2. Arouse curiosity
Merely giving email addresses does not mean you are engaged. If they do not read your sent mails, purchase your products, or keep coming back, it means they are not engaged. To make your visitors really interested in your services, you need to invoking curiosity in them.
Curiosity can be aroused by supplying the incomplete information about something and to know more they actually have to avail the services or buy the product. You’ll be amazed to see the results.
3. Follow up prospective customers
Marketing doesn’t merely involve driving people to a website; it also covers a variety of steps to follow up your prospective customers to get the wanderers to buy. One example of such a strategy is followed by Timothy Sykes. When people take part in his millionaire challenge, in which he assures to teach them the strategy to become millionaires through investing in stock market, he follows up with them with homework tasks. This strategy helped him increasing his revenue by more than 80%.
4. Embed quiz on websites
Playing video games is always preferred over visiting a boring corporate website. Making your site visit a fun experience engages your visitors and convert them into real customers. Quizzes are the best way to implement this principle.
5. Simplify the registration process
Almost everybody owns a Facebook or Twitter account these days. So, when people visit your website, you can avoid the registration process by simply authenticating them through these accounts. This method don’t make them type in an email and password and all they have to do is click a button. Faster sign up process results in good conversion.
6. Go personal
Getting personal with the visitors is a useful marketing strategy. Take example of personalized dating adverts. When you are in New York, and you browse sites like AOL, you usually see ads like: Find true soul mate in New York!
The advertising agencies use your geo-location data in such cases to insert the city you are currently residing in, with their marketing messages. This makes the messages personal, which ultimately increases the number of signups.
7. Email Marketing
Email marketing offers a big platform for conversion. Many big companies like Amazon, eBay, and Apple generate huge revenues through email marketing only. But there is a big issue. It’s actually tough to get your emails being seen by people due to the spam filters and promotional tabs within Gmail. You just need to follow some basic tips and you can also sign up for a service called Return Path.
If you really want to grow your business, you need to try uncommon marketing strategies and implement creative solutions.